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A unique set filled with lasers confronted challengers on a TV show, with sensors triggered indicating a beam brake, in this custom laser set designed and built by TLC Creative. Laser beams and laser effects are specialties of the hollywood based special effects company, known for NBA shows for the Los Angeles Lakers and more.

Live fire was blasted onto a custom glass set created by TLC Creative creating spectacular images (no photoshop) for Germany's Top Model. The shoot was done on top of an LA building, showing the LA skyline and the live special effects by TLC. TLC Creative provides live special effects and custom special effects.

Infocomm 2018 is showcasing new 'holographic' floating 3D imagery on 'blended matrix' Hypervsn created by TLC Creative Special Effects. The see-thru 'holograms' aren't really holograms, Hypervsn is a new technology LED that puts HD imagery in mid-air. TLC Creative is providing Hypervsn screens, and is specializing in large 'holographic walls' up to 10 feet wide. Visit

Phish concert live in New York City at Madison Square Garden lighting up fans with Xylobands LED Wristbands, provided, and programmed, by Xylobands USA / TLC Creative. LED wristbands, made famous by Coldplay, are now available for events and shows of all sizes. Engaging audiences with interactive light-shows is a great experience at all kinds of special events. Visit

The new Banc of California soccer stadium ribbon-ceremony event in Los Angeles was a grand occasion with the mayor Eric Garcetti, Magic Johnson, and the LAFC. TLC Creative Special Effects provided technical direction, the ribbon pull, special effects; white sparkle fountains, fog bursts, streamers, and drone aerial photography. Plus staging and sound, TLC event services. Visit

Los Angeles new soccer stadium ribbon-ceremony event. TLC Creative Special Effects provided technical direction, the ribbon pull, special effects; white sparkle fountains, fog bursts, streamers, and drone aerial photography. Plus staging and sound, TLC event services. Visit

Los Angeles new soccer stadium ribbon-ceremony event. TLC Creative Special Effects provided technical direction, the ribbon pull, special effects; white sparkle fountains, fog bursts, streamers, and drone aerial photography. Plus staging and sound, TLC event services. Visit

Live special effects burst into action for a finale sequence at a special event. Streamer bursts, and white sparkle fountains effects create high energy. Visit

TLC Creative provided live special effects for special event; with bright white sparkle fountains. The pyro-like effect is safer than pyrotechnics, no flame, no fire. Combined with fog bursts, confetti and streamers, and layers of special effects get audiences motivated. Visit

TLC Creative provided live special effects for an event, with bursts of white sparkle fountains. The fountains create bursts of light that look like pyro, but is safer, cool to the touch, and can be placed on sets almost anywhere. Visit

TLC Creative provided live special effects at USANA annual event in Salt Lake City this week, with fog bursts and white sparkle fountains. The fountains create brilliant white bursts of light that look like pyro, but is safer, cool to the touch, and can be placed on sets almost anywhere. Visit

A dramatic laser beam filled set confronted tv show contestants, and sensors loudly betrayed mistakes as people wriggled and writhed their way through the lasers. The laser set was designed and created by TLC Creative, in Los Angeles, specialists in laser entertainment. TLC brings lasers to America's Got Talent, and music videos for Usher, David Guetta, Miley Cyrus, and more.

A real laser matrix hallway poses challenges for a tv show contestants as they have to move and stretch to get around lasers with sensors, a custom set designed and built by TLC Creative Special Effects. Like 'Entrapment' or 'Toxic' by Britney, the visual impact of lasers creates dramatic contrast for interacting with people.

A custom glass set created by TLC Creative was blasted with live fire, creating spectacular images (no photoshop) for Germany's Top Model. The shoot was done on top of an LA building, showing the LA skyline. TLC Creative provides live special effects, fire, flames and custom special effects.

Xylobands light up a company event in Las Vegas, with every person part of the show by wearing LED wristbands. LED wristbands were made famous by Coldplay, and are now available from TLC Creative Special Effects.

Vivid display of color-blocking effects of Xylobands, LED wristbands that light up each person at events and shows. Made famous by Coldplay, Xylobands are creating new experiences at live events, immersing everyone into the show.

LED Wristbands immerse everyone into the music and into the event unlike anything before. Xylobands light up each person and the crowd is the show! Xylobands USA brings LED wristbands to events of all sizes across the US and beyond. Made famous by Coldplay, Xylobands are lighting up private and corporate events of all sizes.

Custom printed Xylobands for Blue Man Group Las Vegas, lighting up with intelligent, live controlled lighting effects. Xylobands are LED wristbands made famous by Coldplay, now lighting up events of all kinds, where each person is part of the show. TLC Creative Special Effects provides Xylobands LED wristbands and new LED Lanyards.