Category: Conventions, Trade Shows, Meetings and Events

Innovations for streaming events include the 'virtual stage' featuring remotely captured presenters, shown side by side, life-size, and standing. Using multi-point transmission sent securely over the internet with ultra-low latency, virtual stage creates unique live events. Live streaming events that allow for more spontaneity for presenters, and more visually impactful virtual meetings with better engagement, and better recall than talking face meetings.

Interactive experiences created for an annual conference included large touchscreens, and 60-foot wide media walls that shared messages from participants from all over the world. The branded experiences were created by TLC Creative in a rapid turnaround that was delivered in a matter of days.

Hypervsn displays 3D visuals that appear as if they are holograms floating in mid-air, and the Hypervsn Wall technology combines multiple holographic devices to produce visuals of almost any size and configuration. TLC Creative is using the hologram effect to energize events, exhibits and shows with mid-air 3D visuals they call 'Floating Video.'

New technology video panels are making big impressions at events and exhibits, bringing dynamic visual content to energize participants. A national convention was made 'media-rich' by adding 30 tall LED video panels that featured updated schedules and high-level branding. The technical event producers at TLC Creative Technology are using video panel and video shapes to create visual impact.

Xylobands intelligent LED wristbands lit up everyone at an annual conference for nutrition company Usana. Xyloband light effects were lighting up with immersive light show experiences created by the special effects team at TLC Creative Special Effects. The LED wristbands were synchronized with other LED effects creating unique experiences that raised the event energy.

Video walls that literally move are creating unique experiences at events and exhibits. Motorized video tiles are programmed in sync with video content to move in three dimensions. The new technology LED displays are creating a dazzling visual combination that is like nothing else.

Stadium energy was created using very high-power streamers effects for a special event held in New Orleans. Stadium streamers were launched to fill the air and cover large areas of the event. The Los Angeles-based special effects team TLC Creative Technology created the streamers show cue that included custom-imprinted streamers and high-powered streamer cannons provided by TLC.

Meeting planners will be experiencing new special effects and LED effects ideas from the event innovators at TLC Creative Technology at this year's Meeting Planners International annual World Education Conference in Toronto, Canada, next week. The MPI WEC 2019 opening reception event is set to blast off with a live special effects and laser show by TLC, kicking off the conference with an immersive, dynamic demonstration of special effects entertainment.

Immersive light shows create energy and focus at company meetings, bringing together teams that benefit by quickly getting the messages of the topics to be presented. Meeting kick-off opener shows often use special effects, like Xylobands and lasers, to get the energy high and to boost participants attention.

Event planners are using fog and water screens with projections for instant visual impact at special events. Fog screens use a fine mist to create a surface in mid-air for video and laser projections to focus on, appearing to be floating in air. Technical production teams at TLC Creative Special Effects are providing all kinds of water and fog screens for special events.

Enclosed water fountain effects are now available for special events. TLC Creative Special Effects offers the dancing water tubes for shows and events. TLC creates 'water shows' using multiple water tubes, which include the fountains and lighting set to music mixes. Special event planners are always looking for new effects, and the dancing water tubes are creating big impact for events.

The experience of piloting drones for the first time, and team building competitions, is thrilling guests at corporate events, trade shows and expos. TLC Creative Special Effects is creating team drone racing experiences for events using new, easy-to-fly drones and visually creative obstacle courses. TLC creates dancing drone shows and VIP / Drone encounters for events.

Michael Cerbelli's: The Hot Listâ„¢: 2019 Presentation at The Special Event, the annual expo for event planners, will be showcasing new technology for live events, creative entertainment ideas, and unique experiences for cutting-edge special events. Live special effects will be lighting up the presentation with high-energy white sparkle fountains from TLC Creative.

New technology LED video with flexible panels creates unlimited video shapes, and see-through 'hologram' displays are creating visual excitement, especially when people see them for the first time. TLC Creative Special Effects has been specializing in unique video and LED displays ever since the world-famous Xylobands became a live event sensation.

Music medleys are an important part of fireworks shows for high-quality corporate and private events. Special effects and fireworks produced by TLC Creative, Los Angeles based technical production company, use popular and themed music soundtracks to sync the show and inspire the viewers. Fireworks are just part of the multimedia, multi-fx light-shows created for company celebrations.

Hypervsn is a new 3D technology that creates 'holograms' floating in mid-air, on show this week at E3, the gaming expo in Los Angeles. TLC Creative Special Effects created a large 'holographic' display of Spyro the Dragon at E3, in Los Angeles, using a blended matrix of multiple Hypervsn screens. While not actual holograms, the 3D LED display appears to viewers as imagery floating in air.

A 'holographic' display featuring Hypervsn, currently at the Museum of Modern Art Design Store in New York, is getting attention with 3D imagery floating in mid-air. The installation by TLC Creative Special Effects brings together MoMA NY, Hypervsn creator Kino-Mo and TLC to showcase the 'holographic' display for 'La French Tech au MoMA', now through May 29.

New technology Hypervsn from TLC Creative Special Effects is dazzling people with mid-air floating video that is often called holograms because they don't know what to compare it to. An invisible screen that allows viewers to look though the floating imagery is part of the illusion of this new mid-air display technology.

A special event celebrating the opening of the new Bank of California stadium, with a ribbon-cutting and effects from stadium show experts at TLC Creative Special Effects, kicked off a new home base for LAFC, and for Major League Soccer in Los Angeles. TLC is known for doing large scale effects, reveals, LED wristbands, and live special effects for corporate and private events.

Special effects add impact to events, corporate theater and meetings, and create high energy at large gatherings. A new generation of sparkle fountain effects are as visually thrilling as stage pyro, but are safer and cool to the touch.

LED wristbands are lighting up on Coldplay's A Head Full of Dreams tour and at special events of all sizes. Xylobands allow event lighting designers to extend their visual designs off the stage and onto everyone's wristbands. The audience becomes part of the show.

LED wristbands, made famous by Coldplay, are lighting up fans on Coldplay's tour, and at all kinds of live special events.

Xylobands are creating exciting new experiences, and new kinds of LED light shows, at Coldplay concerts and all kinds of special events.

A quick technical load-in for an outdoor concert festival creates an instant special event celebration in downtown Los Angeles

Indoor dancing drone entertainment is mesmerizing audiences at corporate and private special events of all kinds.

Precise indoor dancing drones created a buzz for hundreds of event planners seeing the new entertainment as way to engage and excite audiences with new technology.

The NY Knicks use cutting-edge technologies to impress New York audiences that have seen everything, like LED suits that animate colors and effects on the Knicks City Dancers bodies, amplifying the visual energy of their performances.

Xylobands is celebrating 5 years since the launch of the Mylo Xyloto Tour and the first of the original Xyloband LED wristbands began lighting up audiences with brilliant LED light shows.

Light-up LED Lanyards from Xylobands USA - Wearable LED featuring DMX control and brilliant LED's that create immersive, shared experiences for audiences of all sizes.

Entertainment combining lasers, live special effects and multimedia, TLC creates shows that become highlights of any event. Fog bursts, pyrotechnics, streamers and confetti all add layers of visual surprise for shows customized to fit the venue or event area.

Hotels and resorts are using new technology LED glowballs for special events that are looking for something new. Glowballs float on water, bringing a new look to pool events as brilliant light shift and change colors to the event theme and pulse, flash, glow to the music.